Vegan Macrobiotic Diet And Healing
For Mind-Body Harmony and Health

A Vegan Macrobiotic Diet and Healing services helps illuminate a customized MAP to a healthy happy life.  The term Macrobiotic, means long / great or large (macro) life (bios.)   Believe it or not, what we eat can help us feel happy and energized, yet calm and more balanced and at peace.  The right foods ~ consumed at the right times and appropriately prepared according to our individual condition, the season and our health goals as taught in macrobiotics ~ can help us restore our natural state of harmony.  

Many people are experiencing heightened levels of anxiety, sleep disorders, digestive issues and autoimmune conditions.  While there are several factors influencing our moods, digestion, and overall health, if we want to experience greater balance and vitality, dialing in the appropriate diet for our needs lays the foundation from which all other practices or healing builds.  

Equally important is our mental attitude, our predominant thoughts and emotions, and how we manage stress and challenges that arise.   Our beliefs ~ many of which we are not conscious of ~ can shut down our minds before we even consider making appropriate changes, not to mention adopting a vegan macrobiotic diet and lifestyle.  Just hearing the word vegan triggers people these days!

Don and I in front of our clinic the year we metLove at first sight! Don and I, 2010, not long after we met
SunriseSunrise, Southeaster Michigan
Momma and Daughter Cats on Deck Momma Nellie (white calico) & daughter Crook, 2 of the 4 abandoned cats we care for

A Vegan Macrobiotic Diet is a More Sattvic Diet

According to Ayurvedic medicine and yogic philosophy, consuming a sattvic diet can increase energy while promoting a sense of inner calm and peace.  Sattva refers to one of the three categories, or gunas (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas) which defines qualities found in all things, including foods.  A sattvic diet primarily centers around  fresh foods, especially fruits, vegetables  and whole grains as they are  the most harmoniously balanced.  By contrast, rajasic foods are overstimulating, and tamasic foods induce inertia and laziness.  (Here's a decent, simple article about sattvic diets on WebMD.)

A sattvic diet and lifestyle is similar to a  vegan macrobiotic diet and lifestyle in many ways.  The goal of both is to achieve a more sattvic or peaceful frame of mind, with harmony of mind, body and heart.  

Don't let these seemingly strange words get in your way.  Whatever challenges you may be facing, you have the power to elevate your life experience.  A sattvic, or vegan macrobiotic diet and lifestyle ~ augmented with gentle, safe healing practices as needed ~ promotes greater flow, more peaceful, balanced energy and moods, greater clarity, and a lighter sense of being.

Tracy Matesz on her 60th birthday doing front splitsWe can age with grace! Flexibility can lessen chance of injury, improve recovery & enhance circulation (Me age 60)
Macrobiotic Meal Brown Rice w/ Corn, Red Cabbage, Black Soy BeansA healthy vegan macrobiotic meal
Me holding adorable black and white kitten at a family gatheringAn adorable kitten I wanted to take home with me!

Vegan Great Life Diet and Healing Especially Benefits HSPs & Empaths!

I've dealt with anxiety and digestive issues much of my life, especially as an empathic, highly sensitive person (HSP).  Actually, because of my awareness that being an HSP is a 'thing', I've become a magnet for other HSPs as well.  (HSPs have a highly wired nervous system, and are easily overwhelmed, or overstimulated.  Empaths tend to feel emotions and even physical symptoms of others as if they are their own.)

While some empaths and HSPs may adopt a more tamasic diet, unconsciously trying to dull their senses, heavy, rich, dead foods cloud the mind and cause one to feel heavy and sluggish.  Contrarily,  a more rajasic diet exacerbates anxiety!   A vegan macrobiotic diet is more centering and balanced.  

A vegan macrobiotic diet along with tools to overcome challenging emotions, combined with healing practices that are safe and gentle  ~ such as my favorite Chinese 5-Element Energy Clearing and Energy Healing  ~ helped me feel much more clear, balanced and at peace.  Adjusting my diet and cooking methods also helped improve my digestion, so I can continue to enjoy the foods I love.  

Whatever challenges you are facing, a vegan macrobiotic diet and/or any of my healing or coaching services may help.

Bottom line, the one thing in your power to change with your very next meal is to eat more plants! 

Eat more plants, feel more peace, share more love!

Farmers Market Haul of Kale, Squash and more, Sept 2023
Me and Don Summer 2023
Variety of whole grains in jars

What Is Involved In Vegan Macrobiotic Diet Healing & Health Coaching Services?

Following my Vegan Macrobiotic Diet and Healing practices, I can:

  • Outline the best foods to consume for one's personal needs, health condition and health goals
  • Adjust the diet seasonally, or as needed, including tweaking cooking styles and food and spice combinations
  • Share tools to help better manage debilitating emotional triggers, negative mental patters, and conflicting parts
  • Clear disturbances in your energy fields that rob your peace, and contribute to feelings of confusion and sluggishness
  • Teach how to overcome obstacles and seeming setbacks
  • Help you MAP a path to realizing your goals, and living a more divinely aligned and inspired life 

How a Vegan Macrobiotic Diet and Healing Sessions Can Help

An old Chinese proverb states that, 'When there is flow, there is no pain.  When there is pain, there is no flow.'  This begs the question, where in your life are you lacking flow?  

Wherever you most feel blocked is where we begin, whatever that may be.

According to a large body of evidence, we all benefit from incorporating a more plant-dominant diet.  There are many health benefits including reducing inflammation, and helping minimize risk for many common diseases.  (Grab a FREE copy of Powered by Plants, by my husband, Don to learn more.)  Plant foods are more alkaline than animal foods, contrary to much disinformation that's circulating.  Eating a nutrient, water, and fiber-rich plant-based diet is a safe, sustainable way to lose and keep off unwanted excess fat and body weight.    

Energy Healing and Chinese 5-Element Energy Clearing Sessions can similarly enhance one's mental and physical health.  These are safe, gentle practices that help you feel more calm, clear and at peace.

Wherever you may be experiencing either physical or emotional pain ~ or a lack of energy, financial flow, or joy ~ a vegan macrobiotic diet and any of my healing services can help you:

  • improve your energy, moods and digestion 
  • Feel more mentally clear
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Improve confidence 
  • Feel empowered to make the right choices for your needs
  • Learn how to discern between what you are experiencing and what you are picking up from others
  • Live a more peaceful, harmonious, happy, healthy life


My Vegan Macrobiotic Diet and Plant-Based Diet Free Ebooks

Whether on a budget, or a self-starter, check out any of my content, recipes and free ebooks.

Having the right support  ~ someone to help us see our blindspots, hold us accountable, and guide us through any potential 'healing crisis' that may emerge (or erupt!) when changing one's diet ~ can greatly improve chances of success in achieving our ideal weight and other health and personal life goals.

Every step you take towards transforming any obstacles ~ be they physical, mental, emotional or spiritual ~ helps clear the way for more of your light to shine.

Want to get started eating a healthy balanced vegan macrobiotic diet / or a simple plant-based diet?

Feeling stuck?  Need a MAP to help you create your most illuminated life? 
I've got you covered!

If you feel stuck, and could use some outside help, I'm here for you!  Contact me, or check out either of my signature MAP books, below.

How to get started with any of my Great Life Diet and Healing Services

Read more:


Breakfast Tofu Scramble with Broccoli & Yukon Gold PotatoesProtein & calcium-rich Tofu Scramble with Vegetables & Steamed, then Baked Yukon Gold Potatoes
Don and I at the Tempe, AZ Zen Center glowing after a long meditation retreatDon & I in the glow from a full day meditation retreat at the Tempe, AZ Zen center, during our earlier years as vegans, late 2011-early 2017.
Calves suckling in separate holding pensTwo young calves at a local dairy farm we visited in fall of 2022. Living in isolation is counter to their true nature, as they are very social pack animals

Be sure to bookmark that page be alerted when more of my previously published macrobiotic books and cookbooks, along with MEBC and other new e-books, videos, online support groups, and future e-courses are made available!  

A little about me...

Tracy Matesz, December 2022

I am a homebody, animal and nature lover, writer, and HSP.  

My husband and I regularly practice yoga/mobility and strength training, and share in our passion for health and fitness ~ and our desire to live a long, healthy life!  Since my sweet Jasper's passing in 2023, we began to help shelter several abandoned neighborhood cats.

I hold a Masters of Science Degree Oriental Medicine, and am a Certified Macrobiotics Counselor through Macrobiotics America.  I also hold certifications in Plant-Based Nutrition through T. Colin Campbell's Center for Nutrition Studies, Plant-Based cooking through Forks Over Knives and Rouxbe Online Culinary School, and as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Holistic C.O.R.E. Counselor, Reiki Master and Teacher ~ for humans and animals ~ and Yoga Teacher.

I look forward to helping you live your most ideal, healthy, illuminated life!